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قائمة بأنواع السيارات و موديلاتها
وقائمة اجمل بالمحافظات و الاحياء

www. esp.gov .eg/CarRegisteration/CarDataRegsiterationPage.aspx

My Experirnce With The Infamous Chromecast

copied from Google help :

If you ever need to give someone a Chromecast you've already set up (whether as a gift, to return the device to a retailer, etc.), please be sure to factory data reset your device before you do so. A factory data reset clears your data from Chromecast.
To factory data reset your device:
Hold down the button on your Chromecast for about 25 seconds, until device reboots.
Run the Setup app from your laptop
Click on the Settings icon next to your device
Click on Factory Reset
Click 'Reset'

I kept getting this weird message:

"Doh! We ran into a slight hiccup and we're attempting to fix it. This may take a few moments..."
and the few moments may as well extend to a few decades..!

then -[if unplugged and re-plugged]- it gets into a loop of "starting Chromecast" then "no signal.."
I'll have to look this issue through...

I'll get back to you as soon as i find something!

So it turns out to be a problem with the power source!!!
the -'ORIGINAL'- power adapter that is provided with the device was faulty (or at least that's my guess)

When I connected the USB power cord to the TV service port the Chromecast started flawlessly!!

so I guess this is it for this issue....no need to reset the device or anything!!!

كيف تختبر الترانس

كيف تعرف اذا كان المحول
الخاص بالمصباح النيون سليما ام لا ؟!!

المحول له مخرجين متجاورين على روزيتا صغيرة....

قم بتوصيل مصباح عادى على الكهرباء مباشرة و انتبه لشدة الاضاءه
ثم قم بتوصيل المحول على التوالى فى دائرة مغلقة مع المصباح و الكهرباء

اذا كانت اضاءة المصباح فى وجود المحول اضعف ----> فإن المحول سليم
اذا كانت اضاءة المصباح متماثلة فى وجود المحول او عدم وجوده ----> فإن المحول تالف

انتبه: المحول التالف يتلف المصابيح النيون  فاذا وجدت المصابيح تتلف سريعا فقم باختبار المحول

كيف تختبر الاستارتر؟!!!

كيف تعرف اذا كان البادي 
الخاص بالمصباح النيون سليم ام لا

قم بتوصيله فى دائرة مغلقة مع مصباح عادى

اذا كان البادى سليم -----> سوف ينبض المصباح ويومض بلا ثبات
اذا كان البادى تالف. -----> سوف يضيء المصباح بثبات او لا يضيء على الاطلاق

Huawei Echolife HG532b firmware download

I found some versions of the router frimwares and I thought I should post them for you to find :-)

those i did NOT test:

HG532 v1.07 Original Firmware
HG532 v2.02t beta Firmware
HG532 v3.02t beta Firmware
HG532 v3.03t beta Firmware

and this is the original STC one I used to repair my bricked router:


most of the explanations are found in arabic here
most of the data is collected from here

IS "DD-WRT" Worth it?!!!!

After de-briking my Huawei HG532b (as explained in my previous post); I got everything back..

along with "everything" came the lock stats that the router originally had:
you can't use this router with any internet provider except the Saudi Arabian STC..
despite of the fact that I payed for it with my own money..

"by the way there are a lot of people searching for the Echolife HG532b Huawai modem unlock"

searching for a solution... I found that in order to unlock the router I will need another software "firmware"..

and since my last trial with an official one ended in a bad note; the obvious choice was to find a custom firmware..

So I went to the first google result for a custom router firmware...dd-wrt

I began by searching for previous support for my router ... there was none.....
so followed the official steps requesting dd-wrt firmware support for the router

I had to open the router and copy every written line...

I joined their forums and made a post with every thing I know about this specific model..

time went by and I still got no answer...
no body even had a look at the post..... :-(

I think all that effort went out of the window :-(

What do you think??

How I fixed my bricked STC Huawei Echolife HG532b Router.

I got bored and decided to update the software of this router [the Huawei HG532b] using the TalkTalk-Router-Update-Tool

it needed a fresh start and an unlock too..

so I  started with the said tool and tested the default firmware that came with it..

and it didn't work...  :-(

changed the file name.....no go...

so...[making a veeeery long story short]; I fired up my beloved hex editor [ultraedit]  and changed the header of the bin flash file so it has my model number .........

and..........IT WORKED

the software reported that: Firmware Update Successful...

but before I can say YAY and draw a big smile on my face..... I got the SHOCK..

The router wouldn't start..

it kept a red power led and a flashing green lan led...but nothing else..

my HG532b is bricked :-(

So here is How I fixed my bricked STC Huawei Echolife HG532b Router:

If you have time you will understand a lot if you read this first (The Peacock Thread): 

I followed these steps:

  • Manually assign your computer's ethernet adapter :

    (comment if you don't know how)


    • IP address:         192.168.1.x

    • subnet:     

    • gateway:  

  • Unplug the power,

  • Hold the reset button then power up.....DO NOT let the reset button go yet

  • Go to

  • Upload your file......................WAIT till the router reboots ((it may take a while, up to 3 min)),

  • NOW release the reset button,

  • Factory reset your router, by pressing and holding the RESET button for 30 seconds, you might need to do a 30-30-30 hard reset

  • The First Boot will take some time...Be patient, Configure it the way you want, And enjoy!

    PS: I kept a ping command running in the background the whole time.

           Ping -t


Thanks to t2mg from the DD-WRT forums for the original content.
explained at:

 It seemed like nothing was happening at first but I waited for a couple of minutes and everything came back to normal.

PS: I got the original hg532b stc firmware from here:




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