How to jump to a registry key directly ?

How to jump to a registry key directly ?

When you start Regedit, it automatically opens the last key that was viewed. (Registry Editor in Windows XP saves the last viewed registry key in a separate location). If you wish to jump to a particular registry key directly without navigating the paths manually, you may use any of these methods / tools.



Option 1

Using a VBScript:  Copy these lines to a Notepad document as save as registry.vbs
'Launches Registry Editor with the chosen branch open automatically
'Author  : Ramesh Srinivasan

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim MyKey
MyKey = Inputbox("Type the Registry path")
MyKey = "My Computer\" & MyKey
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit\Lastkey",MyKey,"REG_SZ"
WshShell.Run "regedit", 1,True
Set WshShell = Nothing
Double-click Registry.vbs and then type the full registry path which you want to open. [ Example: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.MP3 ]
Limitation: The above method does not help if Regedit is already open.



Option 2

Regjump from
This little command-line applet takes a registry path and makes Regedit open to that path. It accepts root keys in standard (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) and abbreviated form (e.g. HKLM).
Usage: regjump [path]
Example: C:\Regjump HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mp3



Option 3

12Ghosts JumpReg from
Jump to registry keys from a tray icon! This is a surprisingly useful tool. You can manage and directly jump to frequently accessed registry keys. Unlimited list size, jump to keys and values, get current key with one click, jump to key in clipboard, jump to same in key in HKCU or HKLM. Manage and sort keys with comments in an easy-to-use tray icon menu. Create shortcuts for registry keys.



Option 4

To Jump to Registry key from Internet Explorer / Firefox, use my menu extension here:

Firefox Extensions & Mods That I Love :)

First of all is AdblockPlus 
 There are many Anti-advertising  extensions out there... but I really love this one
 It just needs a little tweak here or there and it is perfect...
 just disable "allow some non intrusive advertising" and install the second extension:

Second is Element Hiding Helper :)
 this one helps you in hiding undetected ads

Third is Grease Monkey
this great extension helps you do all sorts of useful mods (and fun ones too) to your favorite sites..

And of course the lovely user script Torrentz All In One
this one really revolutionizes the famous torrent site ""
here is its homepage and here is its installation link

and you will have to add these to the script to get it to work:
// @include*
// @include*
// @match*
// @match*

// @include*
// @include*
// @match*
// @match*

and lets not forget the "about:config" mod
to open searches in new tab instead of overwriting the current tab.

Locked bootloaders...


Apparently our Samsung galaxy S3 NEO has its "bootloader" locked... Ie. We can't install a custom recovery like CWM or TWRP.

And I managed to discover this the hard way :-)

Apparently not all s3 variants are locked.. as I found some youtube videos showing guys installing custom recoveries..

Anyways... I was trying to install a custom recovery image on my phone (Clockwork Mod Recovery to be specific) and I ended up being stuck at the odin mode screen...

By the way.. There are multiple methods to install a custom recovery (ODIN Flashing - Flashify - RomToolBox - TWRP Manager).. and multiple recoveries too (CWM - TWRP)..
But non of them worked for me.. and some methods (like flashing cwm img by flashify) left me stuck on a screen looking like this:

Every time I start the phone it says "Could not do normal boot - Odin Mode"

So here is how I got myself unstuck - out of odin mode :-) :

1. Turn the phone off completely.
2. Hold Volume Down + Home and power up.
3. You will get a screen like this.. press Volume Down to restart.

Thats it.. the phone will reatart normally.. Even if you do not have a recovery partition at all.

Microsoft taking away your storage!!

Microsoft is taking away our storage!!

Out of no where... I get a veeery ugly email from microsoft:

"We want to let you know about some upcoming changes to OneDrive. On 7/13/2016, the amount of storage that comes with OneDrive will change from 15 GB to 5 GB. We are also discontinuing the 15 GB camera roll bonus. You can learn more at our FAQ."

"These changes were necessary to ensure that we can continue to offer a collaborative, connected, and intelligent service."

If you have a free OneDrive plan and will be over your storage quota as a result of these changes:

If you are a free user and have over 5 GB of content in your OneDrive, you will receive an email with an offer to claim a free 1-year subscription to Office 365 Personal*, which includes 1 TB of storage.

If you do not claim this offer, you will need to purchase additional storage or remove some of your files. Otherwise, 90 days after you receive your first notice, your account will become read-only.

If you are over quota after the 90 days, you will still have access to your files for 9 months. You can view and download them. However, you will not be able to add new content.

If after 9 months you are still over quota, your account will be locked. That means that you will not be able to access the content in your OneDrive until you take action.

If after 6 more months you fail to take action, your content may be deleted.

Display Drive Letters On Drive Icons In Windows

HDD Letter Icons This is a collection of 26 harddrive icons, lettered A to Z, to replace the generic icon that Windows uses by default. They are based on Vista's external HDD icon.
Here's how it looks:

How to install

Just Download the zip file, Extract it to c:\Drive Icons\ And add Install.reg to your registry.

Thanks goes to the creator whoever he is

I couldn't find him :)

Registry code (you will not need this)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_A.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_B.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_C.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_D.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_E.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_F.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_G.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_H.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_I.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_J.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_K.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_L.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_M.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_N.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_O.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_P.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_Q.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_R.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_S.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_T.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_U.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_V.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_W.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_X.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_Y.ico"    



@="C:\\Drive Icons\\HDD_Z.ico"

At Last.... The Loooong Lost Mario Game :)

So I was searching "again" for this "Mario" clone I used to play ages ago... And guess what :) I found it this time :) Along with a full story of where it originally started :)


Let Me Start By: >Download<
this is a standalone package that I made using the raptor version :)

Apparently this game was written by a developer called "Mike Wiering" to 'practice VGA programming' as he says :) .

Anyways :) Thank you Mike for creating such a beautiful piece, I had had a lot of good memories with it ;)

Here are the copies I found online:

How to Run The Game:

I tried very hard to get this game to work... and after some research I found that in order to run this game in modern windows enviroment you will need some emulation software like  DOSBox.

In Game Controls:

  • Walk with [Left] and [Right] 
  • Jump with [Alt]
  • Hold [Ctrl] down to run faster and jump further
  • Fire with [Space] (you can use [Up] or [Down] to aim while firing)
  • Press [Down] at the end of a level to go down into the pipe. 
  • Quit the game with [Esc] .

Here is The Developer's Site:

Another mention:

A Collection Of other remakes:

Force A Device Driver Installation

Got a Vista Driver That Won't Install on Windows 7?  Here's How To Fix Most of Those Problems

As I settle into using a Windows 7 laptop all day every day, I run into driver problems now and then.  Now, understand — I'm running 64-bit Windows 7 and I used to run 64-bit Vista, and in theory "if it's a Vista driver, it's a Win 7 driver."  But sometimes it seems that the drivers (or, rather, their driver's setup programs) don't seem to know that, and won't install correctly.  So here are a couple of tips that I've used to good effect.

Has Installing This Driver Been a Problem Even Before Windows 7?

Setting up my Win 7 systems has led to a number of problems installing USB-attached devices.  I started cursing Windows 7, until I eventually remembered that I'd seen problems with some of these drivers before.  I've occasionally had troubles installing drivers for USB-attached devices in XP and Vista if I'm running VMWare Workstation.  VMWare's usually-convenient ability to let me directly connect USB devices to particular VMs has gotten in the way of a few driver installs, but because I'd not run into that problem in a while, I'd forgotten an old rule:  when installing something USB-related for the first time and it won't install, make sure VMWare's not running.

Lie to the Driver

I was trying to get the driver for my Edirol UA-4FX USB audio capture box (the reasonably-priced tool that makes recording my newsletters easy) to load, but it refused, as the driver's setup.exe installation routine complained:
"The operating system that you are using is not supported.  Please check the supported operating systems.  Setup will be terminated."
Ah, I thought, the old "I'm not gonna run even if I could run, just because my programmer put a paranoid version check into the setup program" trick.  Heck, I know how to fix that:  just tell the setup program what it wants to hear.  To do that, make it believe that your OS is not that newfangled, frightening Windows 7 but instead good old Vista SP1.  (Anyone out there remember the "setver" command in DOS?)  Here's how I accomplished it, Windows 7-style:
  1. I right-clicked setup.exe and clicked Properties.
  2. In the resultant property page, I clicked the the "Compatibility" tab.
  3. On that page, I checked the box labeled "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and then selected "Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)."
Thus, when the Setup program asks the operating system its version, Windows 7 responds "Vista SP1" rather than the truth, the setup program gets Win 7 to swallow the drivers and all is well.

Slip the Driver in the Back Door

Even the "call it Vista SP1" thing doesn't work for some drivers, and when that happens, I skip the setup programs and all of the other GUI nonsense and talk directly to the operating system using the pnputil command.  Pnputil.exe is a command that first appeared in Vista.  It's a command-line tool (which means it's also useful in Server Core) that lets you install a driver on a system before you ever physically install the hardware that the driver's associated with, as pnputil has the power to pre-populate the "driver store" with a driver.  To use it, you
  1. Get the driver for the hardware that you want to install.  Different companies package their drivers in different ways, but most either offer a zip file or an EXE that's basically just a self-extracting zip file.
  2. Run the EXE or extract the zip's contents and you'll usually have a folder full of of files with extensions like DLL, CAT, SYS, and at least one with the extension ".INF."
  3. Open an elevated command prompt and type pnputil -i -a name-of-folder\*.inf, like "pnputil -i -a c:\newdriver\*.inf."  The system will think about it for a moment or two and report that you've properly installed the driver.
Now, understand that this won't fix all problems, as some drivers were written sort of lamely in the first place back in the Vista days (like the ones for my Tascam US-144), but these should help in many cases.
